Big Echo

Critical SF

Naebu Ringway

by Wongoon Cha

At the river-side, under the Naebu Ringway #1

inspiration congregates for me around the river,  
under the Ringway, where fish thrive in melange.
happy-eyed bikers, mouths masked, like bandits of old
red neon crucifixes hover, loitering
ubiquitous, like CCTV signs
the initialism is CCTV, a hieroglyph
(the image of the initialism carries more weight)
crosses and cameras ever vigilant
courteously gleaning info for future use


At the river-side, under the Naebu Ringway #2

a fish swims upstream and finds shallow water, shoals
flaps and twists to surmount the shallow incline, body entering poisonous air, risking all  
it gives up, turns around


At the river-side, under the Naebu Ringway #3

ajooma sings at water-level with a boombox
her friend arrives, knew to find her at the river-side